At an event in New Delhi, India today, Xiaomi announced its first Android Go phone, the Redmi Go. This is a low-end device with a 5-inch 720p 16:9 screen, 1GB of RAM, a Snapdragon 425 processor, an 8-megapixel camera, a 3,000mAh battery, and 8GB of expandable internal storage. It runs the Go version of Android 8.1 Oreo, which is optimized for less powerful devices and comes with Google apps designed to use up less storage and data.
The Redmi Go isn’t a powerhouse, but it doesn’t need to be — Xiaomi is getting close to featurephone pricing here. At Rs. 4,499 (~$65) for a full-fledged smartphone, devices like the popular Rs. 2,999 (~$45) JioPhone 2 — a QWERTY phone running KaiOS — will look quite a bit less appealing for some consumers....
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